24’-25’ TEAM

President: Delaney McMillan
Hey, beautiful people! I’m Delaney, a senior Psych major and entrepreneurship minor. I’m from Portland, Oregon and love the beach, traveling, and watercolors. My favorite place I’ve adventured with ITW is the Desolation Wilderness near Tahoe!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
dmcmillan2@scu.edu, @delaneymcmillan

Director of Marketing: Lucy Young
Hey! I’m Lucy, a junior Political Science major and Sociology and Studio Art Minor. I’m from Seattle, WA, and I love camping, skiing, thrifting, reading, photography, and exploring new places! My favorite adventures I have been on are Big Sur backpacking, river rafting in Utah, and spending my summers camp counseling in the San Juan Islands.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
ldyoung@scu.edu, @lucyyounng

Vice President: Orion Cook
Hey y’all! I’m Orion, and I’m a junior bioengineering major with an urban education minor. I’m from Tacoma, WA but I’m really enjoying my chance to explore California. Outside of leading trips, I really enjoy whitewater trips in all forms, mainly hardshell kayaking. My favorite trips that I’ve led have been my spring break trip canoeing down the Green River in Utah and a car camping/rafting trip I led at Crater Lake in Oregon, and I love being able to bring my hobbies to the Into the Wild community.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
ocook@scu.edu, @orionjcook

Vice President: Isabelle Pink
Hellurrr!! I’m Izzy, a junior Finance major and Sustainability minor. I love music, running, exploring new places, and meeting new people. My favorite places I’ve been with ITW are Glacier Point in Yosemite and Trinity Alps!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
ipink@scu.edu, @isabellepinkk

Fall Recruitment Coordinator: Quin Doughty
Hey everyone!! I’m Quin, a senior Enviro Science major. I'm from Chicago, LOVE kayaking, reading and dancing badly to any song! I'm currently studying abroad in New Zealand, but some of my other favorite places to explore are Big Sur and Emigrant Wilderness.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
qdoughty@scu.edu @quin.doughty

Director of Finance: Cooper McCarthy
Whasup homeslice, my name is Cooper I’m a junior mechanical engineering major from Everett, WA. In my free time I love to bike, hang out with my dog, and woodwork! My favorite place to be in California is in the Sierras mountains taking a dip in an icy alpine lake! If you see my name on a trip make sure to sign up! (I run the best trips)
Reach out if you wanna chat or have any questions!
cpmccarthy@scu.edu, 425 - 387 -9212

Director of Execution: Jackson Dwelle
Hi! I’m Jackson, a senior Biochem major and entrepreneurship minor from Carmel, CA. I love exploring and am hoping to pursue winemaking! My favorite places I’ve adventured with ITW are Big Sur, Mount Shasta, and Joshua Tree.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
jldwelle@scu.edu, @jacksondwelle

Office Manager: Hallie Komessar
Hi!!!! I’m Hallie, a sophomore Psychology and Child Studies double major from Boston, MA. I love dogs, riding my bike, traveling, and going to the beach :) My favorite adventures that I have been on are Israel, Big Sky Montana, and Kruger National Park in South Africa!! I can’t wait to get to know you all more.
Reach out if you have any questions!
hkomessar@scu.edu, @hekomessar

Trip Leader: Lucas Monge
What’s up!! I’m Lucas, and I’m a sophomore Mechanical Engineering major from Miami, Florida. I love wandering around new places and learning how to build stuff. I enjoy writing music and enjoy the way Big Sur smells. My favorite ITW trip was one I went on as a participant, where we went to Crater Lake in Oregon and whitewater kayaked for an entire day. It was epic.
I can’t wait to see you on a trip, and feel free to reach out if have any questions or just want to say whadup!
Lmonge@scu.edu Insta: @_lucas_monge_

Gear Manager: Cameron Rast
Wasssssuuuuupppp!! I’m Cam, a Junior Marketing Major from Portland Oregon. I love climbing big rocks, shmovin to good tunes and all things footy. My favorite ITW trips have been backpacking in Big Sur and on Angel Island foshoo!!!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
crast2@scu.edu, @CamRast

Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Julia Routh
Hi! I’m Julia, a junior Economics major and food sustainability systems minor. I love playing soccer, going on runs, and sourcing cool posters for my room. My favorite places I’ve adventured with ITW are Big Sur, Yosemite, and Half Moon Bay!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
Data Analyst: Daniel Louie
Whassup!! I’m Daniel, a junior studying computer science and engineering. I love all things outdoors (skiing, mountain biking, backpacking, you name it!), filming my travels and making things! My favorite ITW trip so far has been backcountry skiing in Montana!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
dlouie@scu.edu, @daniel.louiee

Trip Leader: Alessia Massinpole
Hi!! I'm Alessia, a freshman Bioengineering major from Salt Lake City, Utah! I love to ski, play soccer, bake, and go to concerts! My favorite ITW trips have been to Stanislaus and Big Sur!
Please please please reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions! I'm SO STOKED to meet you!
amassinople@scu.edu @alessiamassinople

Winter Recruitment Coordinator: Caroline Atkeson
Hi! I’m Caroline, a senior biology major. I love exploring new places, making art, and snowboarding! Printmaking and baking birthday cakes have become my new hobbies. My favorite places I’ve adventured to are Yosemite and Castle Crags.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
catkeson@scu.edu, @caroline_atkeson

Gear Manager: Kenzie Hill
Hey!! I’m Kenzie, a sophomore environmental studies major with a sustianability minor, and I’m from San Jose CA! I love hiking, traveling, surfing, kayaking, playing spikeball and making coffee! One of my favorite trips I’ve experienced w/ ITW was a white water rafting trip (totally felt like a roller coaster, 10/10 will definitely do again), and I’m looking forward to even more adventures with ITW!
Feel free to hit me up if you have any questions, I’m so stoked to get to know you :)
kshill@scu.edu @kenz.hill22

Adventure Trip Manager: River Kisler
I’m River- senior finance major from Port Townsend, WA. I like skiing and sitting in the sun. My favorite place I’ve adventured with Into the Wild is Trinity Alps near Shasta.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!

Synergy Coordinator: Tor Rothrock
Hi guys! my name is Tor Rothrock and I am a junior marketing major from Seattle, WA. I like to run, hike, thrift clothes and bool with friends! The coolests spots I have been so far are the Dolomites in Italy, Bocas Del Toro in Panama, and Priest Lake in Idaho.
Feel free to reach out and chat about anything!

Finance Coordinator: Charlie Silver
Hi! I’m Charlie, a junior from Rhode Island. I love skiing, scuba diving, and live music. My favorite Into The Wild trips that I’ve been on are Rogue River Rafting in Oregon and Crater Lake.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
csilver@scu.edu, @charliesilvr

Trip Leader: Emil Chaia
Hi! I’m Emil, a senior finance major. I love surfing, wakeboarding, advanced backpacking, and graphic design! My favorite place I’ve ventured to with ITW is Yosemite and Joshua Tree!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
echaia@scu.edu ; (786)-972-7469

Sustainability and Nutrition Coordinator: Grace Falci
Hi! I’m Grace, a junior Environmental Science major and Biology and Sustainability minor. I love scuba diving, running, music, and trying new food. My favorite ITW trips I’ve been on so far are Big Sur and Yosemite!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
gfalci@scu.edu, @gracefalci

Spring Break Manager: Andre Brisk
Sup peeps! I’m Andre currently studying civil engineering and in my senior year. I'm all about seizing every opportunity to get outdoors and sharing memories with friends . Whether it's backpacking, climbing, or yapping count me in! My favorite ITW trip was backcountry skiing in the Idaho Sawtooth Mountains!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
abrisk@scu.edu, @andre.brisk

Gear Manager: Oliver Straley
Hey, I'm Oliver! I’m a junior Political Science major with a Spanish minor. I’m from Seattle, and love playing basketball, hiking, skiing, and watching Survivor! Favorite places I’ve explored are the North Cascade Mountains, Colombia, and the San Juan Islands.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
ostraley@scu.edu, @ostraley_

Director of Marketing: Liv Andreassen
Hi! I’m Liv, a sophomore Bio major from Minneapolis MN! I love being by water and getting crafty! My favorite ITW trip I’ve lead was XC skiing backpacking to glacier point in Yosemite!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!

Leader in Training: Willy Mondress
Howdy! I'm Willy, a sophomore Civil Engineering student from Olympia, Washington. Some of my go-to-spots are Yosemite, Pinnacles, and Big Sur. I love trail running, backpacking, and meeting new people on trips! A fun fact about me is that I am the most funny and charismatic leader.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
wmondress@scu.edu or 360-763-9438

Leader in Training: McCoy Brooks
What’s up Broncos! I’m McCoy, a freshman Environmental Studies major from Enumclaw, WA. Some of my favorite ways to pass the time include skiing, trail running, cliff jumping, looking at maps, or eating my Grandma’s homemade potato salad. I am on the track team here at Santa Clara as well. Some of my favorite trips with Into the Wild have included early morning polar plunges or big sends across the state to Yosemite !
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
msbrooks@scu.edu and @therealmccoy909

Director of Planning: Sander Moog
How’s It! I’m Sander, a sophomore Environmental Science major with a Studio Art minor. I enjoy surfing, climbing, and skiing. My favorite place I’ve adventured is Glacier National Park.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
smoog@scu.edu , @sandermoog

Leader in Training: Maddie Ayan
Hii! I’m Maddie, a freshman Environmental Science major from Carlisle, Massachusetts. I love backpacking, skiing, exploring new places, and listening to music. My favorite places I’ve been with ITW are Stanislaus and Timber Top!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
mayan@scu.edu, @madeleineayan

Leader in Training: Isabella Fasolino
Hey peeps!! I’m Isabella, a sophomore Biology major with a Studio Arts minor, from Mamaroneck, NY! Aside from my love for exploring the outdoors, I enjoy watercolor painting, building legos and meeting new people! The best places I’ve ventured to with ITW are Crater Lake, Yosemite, and Joshua Tree!
Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
ifasolino@scu.edu and @bella_fasolino

Leader in Training: Liz Christensen
Heyyy everyone! I’m Liz, I’m a freshman from Seattle, Washington studying Civil Engineering. I love doing hobbies I’m not good at like watercolors or photography (watch out for my atrocious 0.5s). I’m also big into golf, saxophone, and getting song recommendations from any genre. My favorite ITW trip I’ve been on was to Joshua Tree!!
Please (for real!!) reach out if you want to chat or have any questions!
@eachristensen@scu.edu, and @lizchristensenn
Trip Operations: Lucy Sabin
Hi! I’m Lucy, a sophomore chemistry major and theater minor. I love hanging out with friends at the beach and learning new skills (currently trying to crochet). I am from Boston so I can’t wait to explore California's beautiful landscapes with you! Some of my fav hikes have been exploring sequoia and salt point!!!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
lsabin@scu.edu, @lucy_sabin

Trip Leader: Evelyn Crothall
Hey everyone!! My name is Evelyn and I am from Oceanside, CA. I am a sophomore environmental studies major and international business minor. My favorite ITW trips have been to Utah over spring break, and up to Mt Tam and Stintson beach last May. I love the beach, hanging out with my dog, making art, and playing beach volley!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
@ecrothall@scu.edu and @_evelyn.claire

Office Manager : Shannon MacDonell
What’s up!! I’m Shannon, a sophomore majoring in Public Health Science and minoring in Bio and I'm from Bend, OR. If you can’t find me, chances are I'm out skiing, surfing, taking photos, or baking! Some of my favorite places I’ve explored with ITW include Yosemite, Big Sur, and Joshua Tree!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
smacdonell@scu.edu, @shannonmacdonell_

LIT Trainer: Leanna Cameron
Hi everyone! I’m Leanna and I’m a sophomore Environmental Science major from Boston, MA. I love exploring new places and meeting fun people! My favorite Into the Wild trip was backpacking to Lake Aloha in Desolation Wilderness!
Feel free to reach out!
ljcameron@scu.edu @leanna.cameron

Director of Risk&Safety: Liana Tsou
Heyyy!! I’m Liana, a sophomore Biology and Psychology major. In my free time I enjoy cycling through the hills around school, rock climbing, skiing, and visiting all the farmers markets I can! My favorite places I’ve embarked on adventures in are leading a backpacking trip to the Yosemite Water Wheels for Into the Wild, hiking in the Swiss Alps, and skiing the amazing powder in Japan!!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
ltsou@scu.edu , @liana.tsou
Director of Risk&Safety: Erin Carney
Hey!! I’m Erin, a sophomore neuroscience major and biology minor. I’m from Pasadena, CA, and I love baking, surfing, running, and country music. Some favorite places I’ve explored with ITW are Point Reyes and Big Sur!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
ecarney@scu.edu @erincarneyy

Trip Leader: Harry Alburn
Whaddup! I’m Harry, a Freshman Finance major from Arlington, WA. I love playing guitar and piano, exploring and adventuring, thrifting with coffee, and I am WAY into geology! My favorite adventures have been to Point Reyes, Trinity Alps, and Yosemite.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!

Leader in Training: Sean Fallmer
Hi I’m Sean Fallmer I’m a sophomore from San Diego. My favorite ITW trip Castle Crags. I enjoy diving into things I nothing about, I spend most of time playing basketball, being outdoors, reading, and eating as many different foods as I can. The only bone I have broken is my pinky toe.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
sfallmer@scu.edu , and @sfallmer

Leader in Training: Hailey McCulloch
Hi!! My name is Hailey, I’m from Bainbridge Island, Washington, and I’m studying Civil Engineering here at SCU. I adore rainy runs, matcha lattes, polar plunges, and playing the piano. A fun fact about me is that I’m on the Improv team! My favorite ITW trip was Yosemite Waterwheels!
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
@hmculloch@scu.edu, 206-735-5204

Trip Leader: Ryan Sintchak
What's up y'all. I am Ryan, a sophomore accounting major from the East Bay. My favorite ITW trip has been the Sonoma Coast overnight camping trip. Some of my favorite outdoor activities have been backpacking, fishing, ice climbing in Alaska and canoeing across Canada.
Reach out if you’d like to chat or have any questions!
Rsintchak@scu.edu @ryan_sintchak