SPRING 2024 gear hours:

Check out our weekly email for gear hours. The emails come out every Monday, so make sure you check the MOST RECENT email. There are typically 4 hours of gear each week.

Come to ITW Office (Lower Benson 22, in front of the Cellar) to check out and return gear during these times!

NO CASH… NO GEAR! Sorry. You can also give us credit card information with no deposut.There is an ATM on the first floor of Benson.

For Into the Wild Trips:

We have gear rentals available for all Into the Wild overnight trips and day trips! We have backpacks, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, sleeping bag liners, and headlamps available for rent for our trips. All group gear - food, tents, JetBoils, first aid kits, and more - are included in the cost of the trip and provided by Into the Wild. If you need a cup, bowl, spork, plate, hiking boots, or any other item please inquire about these items during your pre-trip meeting.

All gear rentals involve a liability waiver and gear must be returned by the gear hours following your weekend usage to receive your deposit back! 

*Regardless of the amount of gear your rent out for the trip, participants are only required to pay a single $50 (CASH ONLY) deposit for gear.*

For Individual Trips:

Want to have your own adventure but don't have the gear you need? Into the Wild rents out backpacks, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, sleeping bag liners, headlamps, tents, stoves, water filters, and more to any Santa Clara student in need of outdoor gear for their own outdoor trip. If you need it for your trip, chances are we have it available for rent. 

All gear rentals involve a liability waiver and gear must (generally) be returned by the week following your weekend usage to receive your deposit back!

*Please note, there is a $50 (CASH ONLY) rental deposit that will be returned if the gear is returned on time and in good condition.*